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本文出自 Suzf Blog。 如未注明,均为 SUZF.NET 原创。
本文的主要目的是将 Apache 的访问日志转换成 JSON 格式,然后存储到 ES, 供 ELK Stack Platform 进行数据分析与统计。 尽管现在许多发行版本都已经默认安装上了 rsyslog, 但是还是推荐从 rsyslog repositories 获取最新的稳定版本。这样你将从中获益。你将需要下面的软件包:
- rsyslog-mmnormalize. This gives you mmnormalize, a module that will do the parsing of common Apache logs to JSON
- rsyslog-elasticsearch, for the Elasticsearch output
- 加载所需模块
- 将 Apache log 传送到中心日志服务器
- 配置主队列缓冲您的消息。 这也是定义工作线程数和批量大小的地方(也可以是 Elasticsearch 块的大小)
- 将 Apache log 转换成 JSON
- 定义一个模板,您可以在其中指定 JSON 信息的格式。 您可以使用此模板通过Elasticsearch输出将日志发送到 Elasticsearch / Logstash
# The imjournal module bellow is now used as a message source instead of imuxsock. $ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging (e.g. via logger command) $ModLoad imjournal # provides access to the systemd journal $ModLoad imklog # reads kernel messages (the same are read from journald) $ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability # Provides UDP syslog reception $ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 514 # Provides File syslog reception # $ModLoad imfile # Provides parser syslog reception $ModLoad mmnormalize # Elasticsearch output module $ModLoad omelasticsearch
cat >> /etc/rsyslog.conf << EOF # Send all log to logserver *.* EOF
之后 重启 rsyslog PS: 将 Apache access log 发送到中心日志服务器。当然,也可是使用Rsyslog imfile 模块将日志传送过去,具体过程,略。
Queue and workers
默认,所有进来的信息都会到达 main queue. 你可以指定一个,你可以使用 rulesets 根据类别指定多个。但是让我们使他简单一些吧。
main_queue( queue.workerThreads="4" queue.dequeueBatchSize="1000" queue.highWatermark="500000" # max no. of events to hold in memory queue.lowWatermark="200000" # use memory queue again, when it's back to this level queue.spoolDirectory="/var/run/rsyslog/queues" # where to write on disk queue.fileName="stats_ruleset" queue.maxDiskSpace="5g" # it will stop at this much disk space queue.size="5000000" # or this many messages queue.saveOnShutdown="on" # save memory queue contents to disk when rsyslog is exiting )
使用 mmnormalize 格式化数据
mmnormalize 模块使用 liblognorm 进行解析。所以在配置中你只需简单的指定 rsyslog 的liblognorm rulebase:
action(type="mmnormalize" ruleBase="/etc/rsyslog.d/apache_access_log.rule")
apache_access_log.rule 文件包含了解析 Apache log 的规则;如下。具体的规则取决于你Apache log 预先定义的格式。
# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/apache_access_log.rule version=2 # prefix=%rcvdat:date-rfc5424% %rcvdfrom:word% %tag:word% rule=:%clientip:word% %delay:word% %identd:word% %auth:word% [%accesstime:char-to:]%] "%method:word% %request:word% %pversion:char-to:"%" %status:word% %bytesend:word% %referer:word% %useragent:quoted-string%
更多的配置规则详见 liblognorm documentation. 创建一个新的规则不是一气呵成的, 检查你的规则有没有错误, 你可以使用向这样使用 lognormalizer <`yum install -y liblognorm-utils`> :
head -1 /path/to/log.file | /usr/lib/lognorm/lognormalizer -r /path/to/rulebase.rb -e json
# cat test_msg 241 - - [26/Apr/2017:11:31:48 +0800] "GET /images/apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0" # head -1 test_msg | lognormalizer -r /etc/rsyslog.d/apache_access_log.rule -e json {"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0", "referer": "\"-\"", "bytes": "-", "status": "304", "pversion": "HTTP/1.1", "request": "/images/apache_pb.gif", "method": "GET", "accesstime": "26/Apr/2017:11:31:48 +0800", "auth": "-", "identd": "-", "delay": "241", "clientip": ""}
注: 默认未解析的数据会出现在 ·unparsed-data
Time-based indices in your own Elasticsearch cluster
# this is for index names to be like: apache-access-log-YYYY.MM.DD template(name="apache-access-log-index" type="list") { constant(value="apache-access-log-") property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339" position.from="1""4") constant(value=".") property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339" position.from="6""7") constant(value=".") property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339" position.from="9""10") }
template(name="WebFiles" type="string" string="/var/log/web/httpd/access_%$!vhost%.log") template(name="apache-access-log" type="list" option.json="on") { constant(value="{") constant(value="\"@version\":\"0.0.1\", ") constant(value="\"@timestamp\":\"") property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339") constant(value="\",\"message\":\"") property(name="msg" position.from="1" spifno1stsp="off") constant(value="\",\"host\":\"") property(name="fromhost-ip") constant(value="\",\"@source_host\":\"") property(name="hostname") constant(value="\",\"tag\":\"") property(name="syslogtag") constant(value="\",\"clientip\":\"") property(name="$!clientip") constant(value="\",\"delay\":\"") property(name="$!delay") constant(value="\",\"identd\":\"") property(name="$!identd") constant(value="\",\"auth\":\"") property(name="$!auth") constant(value="\",\"accesstime\":\"") property(name="$!accesstime") constant(value="\",\"method\":\"") property(name="$!method") constant(value="\",\"request\":\"") property(name="$!request") constant(value="\",\"pversion\":\"") property(name="$!pversion") constant(value="\",\"status\":\"") property(name="$!status") constant(value="\",\"bytes\":\"") property(name="$!bytes") constant(value="\",\"referrer\":\"") property(name="$!referer") constant(value="\",\"useragent\":\"") property(name="$!useragent") constant(value="\"}") } # If you’re using rsyslog only for parsing Apache logs (and not system logs) # and send your logs to Logsene, this bit is rather simple. # Because by the time parsing ended, you already have all the relevant fields in the $!all-json variable, # that you’ll use as a template: template(name="all-json" type="list"){ property(name="$!all-json") }
if $programname == 'access_test' then { action(type="mmnormalize" ruleBase="/etc/rsyslog.d/apache_access_log.rule") if $parsesuccess == "OK" then { action(type="omfile" DynaFile="WebFiles" template="apache-access-log" DirCreateMode="0755" FileCreateMode="0644") action(type="omelasticsearch" server="" serverport="9200" template="apache-access-log" # template="all-json" searchIndex="apache-access-log-index" dynSearchIndex="on" searchType="events" bulkmode="on" queue.type="linkedlist" queue.size="5000" queue.dequeuebatchsize="300" action.resumeretrycount="-1" errorFile="/var/log/omelasticsearch22.log") stop } }
上述配置全部截取自 `/etc/rsyslog.conf` 文件中 之后重启 Rsyslog & 看看有没有错误输出 之后再 Kibana 上创建索引。 验证 Reference