Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
Jenkins ver. 2.32.1
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
Jenkins ver. 2.32.1
Jenkins 插件安装有两种方式:
但是又由于网络原因, 一些插件总是难以通过网络在线安装。 Error info
There are dependency errors loading some plugins: Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin v1.3 Pipeline: Groovy v2.2 failed to load. Fix this plugin first. Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4 pipeline-rest-...
This has come up several times in the last week. "I have 2n servers with 2 o...
就地升级是使用服务器中的现有数据来完成。 一般来说,就是停止服务器,安装新的服务器版本并使用之前的数据文件启动它。 虽然它可能不适合于高复杂性的环境,但它们可能适用于许多场景。 以下是5.7系列中相关的改变的总结。 强烈建议您阅读以下指南,因为它们包含可能导致自动升级失败的不兼容更改的信息:
1. login as Administrator and create test group/project/user
create test group - test create test user - test change test user to test group and change `Project access` role to owner create a demo project -- http://git.suzf.net/test/demo -- Visibility Level can chose public for test at the end, click Create project button
2. use the test user - test login...